8 Alcoholic Drinks Ranked From Most Calories to Least

Alcoholic drinks are a popular choice for socializing and special events, but they can also pack a hefty calorie punch. If you’re trying to maintain a healthy diet or watch your calorie intake, it’s important to choose your drinks wisely. In this article, we’ll rank eight popular alcoholic drinks from most calories to least, so you can make an informed decision the next time you’re ordering a drink.

  1. Long Island Iced Tea: This classic cocktail is a mixture of vodka, gin, rum, tequila, triple sec, and cola, making it a calorie bomb with approximately 250-300 calories per serving.
  2. Margarita: A typical margarita, made with tequila, triple sec, and lime juice, contains around 200-250 calories.
  3. Pina Colada: This tropical drink, made with rum, coconut milk, and pineapple juice, can pack a caloric punch with approximately 200-250 calories.
  4. Mai Tai: This rum-based cocktail, typically made with fruit juices and syrups, contains approximately 200 calories per serving.
  5. Rum and Coke: A classic combination, rum and coke contains approximately 150 calories per serving.
  6. Gin and Tonic: A simple combination of gin and tonic water, this drink contains approximately 140 calories per serving.
  7. Vodka Soda: A popular choice for those watching their calorie intake, a vodka soda contains only approximately 100 calories per serving.
  8. Light Beer: A 12-ounce serving of light beer contains approximately 95 calories, making it one of the lowest calorie alcoholic options.

Just one thing to keep in mind- the caloric content of drinks can vary depending on the ingredients and serving size, so these numbers are an estimate based on standard recipes and serving sizes. By being aware of the calorie content of your drinks, you can make better choices and enjoy a night out without ruining your diet.

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